Recordings of lectures, roundtable discussions and virtual gatherings
Celebrating the work of women artists and designers, this enhanced program invites us to reflect more deeply on issues affecting today’s world of design by highlighting a multitude of perspectives and stories.
Femmes, design et identité
A lecture by Marie-Ève Marchand, Affiliate Associate Professor in the Department of Art History at Concordia University.
Based on specific examples of pieces created by women designers, learn how identity can be expressed in objects and, likewise, how objects can inform the construction of identity.
Lunch and Chat with a Designer: Taisha Carrington
A relaxed virtual get-together with artist and jewelry designer Taisha Carrington, hosted by Mary-Dailey Desmarais, Chief Curator of the MMFA.
Lunch and Chat with a Designer: Laura Wee Lay Laq
A relaxed virtual get-together with artist Laura Wee Lay Laq, hosted by Mary-Dailey Desmarais, Chief Curator of the MMFA.
Pratiquer le design aujourd’hui
During this roundtable discussion, several women design practitioners from different backgrounds present their work and discuss the challenges facing their profession in the 21st century.
Natasha Thorpe, industrial designer
Marie-Hélène Beaulieu, glass artist
Aurélie Guillaume, enamelist and jeweller
Alexandrine Théorêt, Assistant Curator of International Modern and Contemporary Art, MMFA
Anonymous No Longer: Women in Design
A lecture by Jeannine Falino, independent curator and advisor to the exhibition.
Women have been creators since the beginning of time, yet their contributions often fell under the rubric of “Anonymous.” Overlooked no longer, women have emerged as leaders in the fields of decorative arts, design and craft over the past 125 years. Discover the pioneering achievements and continuing struggles of the women who are at the centre of the exhibition Parall(elles).
Parall(elles): A History of Women in Design
February 18 – May 28, 2023