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Kiki Smith

Red Moons


Kiki Smith
Born in Nuremberg in 1954


Red Moons




Glass, acrylic, Plexiglas


226 x 732 x 4.5 cm


Purchase, Horsley and Annie Townsend Bequest, inv. 1999.2.1-170


International Contemporary Art

Kiki Smith was born into a family of artists. She began her career as a member of Collaborative Projects (Colab), a collective of socially engaged American artists, and first became known on New York’s alternative art scene through exhibitions held at the Kitchen and P.S.1 Contemporary Art Center, among other spaces. Her ability to breathe new life into traditional art forms via an original and striking vision of the human body and womanhood, together with an alert sensitivity to materials, established her in the early 1990s as one of the most important American artists of her generation.Executed in 1998, Red Moons is the third and most impressive of the pieces the artist devoted to the theme of the moon. Combining the classic monumentality of the triptych and the fragility of glass, Smith celebrates the fluid nuptials of the cosmos and the body; these blood moons symbolize the imaginary and immemorial alliance of female body and cosmic order.

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