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Guidelines for Visitors

Jean-Noël Desmarais pavilion, Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, Photo: Bernard Fougères and Jean-François Lejeune.

The MMFA has put every measure in place to ensure you a safe and enjoyable visit.

Book your tickets


Tickets can be purchased in person at the Museum on the day of your visit or online, by selecting the date and time of your visit. Did you know that admission to the Museum's collections and exhibitions (except for the major exhibition) is free for all Quebec residents the first Sunday of every month? Reservations are required.

Need help creating an account, logging in, or reserving or purchasing tickets through our website? Watch our tutorials on online transactions.

Course of your visit

Enter the Museum via the main entrance, at 1380 Sherbrooke Street West. Museum staff is on hand and will be pleased to assist you and answer your questions.

The MMFA is open Tuesday to Sunday, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and on Wednesday evenings, from 5 to 9 p.m.

The Museum Boutique and Bookstore’s hours are the same as the Museum’s.

The Cloakroom is open. To prevent long line ups, we encourage you to pack light and avoid bringing bulky objects. For security reasons, all backpacks and bags larger than 30 x 40 cm must be checked at the Cloakroom. Small bags and handbags are allowed in the galleries but are subject to visual inspection by a Museum security agent. Also note that the checking of suitcases and other bulky objects is subject to a fee. We reserve the right to refuse certain objects on days when there is a high volume of visitors.

The Beaux-Arts Bistro is temporarily closed for renovations. Stay tuned for an exciting announcement coming soon!

It is strongly recommended that people with reduced mobility or special needs notify the Museum of their upcoming visit.

Hydroalcoholic gel is dispensed in the entrance areas.

Contact the MMFA customer service team at 514-285-2000.

Safety regulations

Owing to the irreplaceability, value and, in some cases, fragility of the artworks on display, the Museum would like to remind you of a few guidelines to observe.


You can look all you want, but, unless otherwise indicated, don’t touch! The Museum galleries are equipped with electronic motion-detection and video surveillance systems.

Guidelines for visitors - Artwork
Guidelines for visitors

Taking pictures

You may take pictures for your personal use in the collections galleries and in certain exhibition galleries. However, shooting videos and using a flash or tripod are forbidden.


The Cloakroom is open. To prevent long line ups, we encourage you to pack light and avoid bringing bulky objects. For security reasons, all backpacks and bags larger than 30 x 40 cm must be checked at the Cloakroom. Small bags and handbags are allowed in the galleries but are subject to visual inspection by a Museum security agent. Also note that the checking of suitcases and other bulky objects is subject to a fee. We reserve the right to refuse certain objects on days when there is a high volume of visitors.

Food and drink

Eating and drinking in the Museum is prohibited.


  • Pencil sketching is permitted in the Museum’s collection galleries.
  • The use of ballpoint and fountain pens, ink and watercolour is prohibited at all times.
  • Make sure you do not impede the flow of visitors in the galleries while sketching.
  • The Museum reserves the right to disallow sketching during peak hours.

Lost and found

Please contact customer service at 514-285-2000.

First aid

If you are not feeling well, ask the nearest security guard for assistance.


Cellphones are permitted in the Museum’s public spaces, provided they are set to vibrate mode. Conversations must be kept low.

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