Nature All Around Me
Louise Giroux, Educational Programs Officer – Wellness, invites you on an exploration of an artwork in our collection, followed by a creative workshop.
Let your senses take you on a discovery of this work. Then, explore your environment to make a drawing using the rubbing technique.
Type of activity
Guided creative activity
Target audience
Neurodiverse people, families, general public
Although designed for people with autism, this activity is suitable for all groups. Adult assistance is recommended.
8 minutes (instructions and guidance)
Our Natural World - FRAME project
Grounded in art therapy and well-being, this initiative grew out of the COVID-19 pandemic and is a response to a call for proposals from FRAME (FRench American Museum Exchange), a network of 32 French and North American museums.

Ludger Larose (Montreal 1868-1915), Flower Composition with Figure, Logan Greenhouse, 1899, Oil on canvas, 95.4 x 78.3 cm. Purchase, Marcel Boisvert Bequest and Horsley and Annie Townsend Bequest.
Ludger Larose, Flower Composition with Figure, Logan Greenhouse, 1899. Purchase, Marcel Boisvert Bequest and Horsley and Annie Townsend Bequest, inv. 2007.103

Learn more
At the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, this work by Ludger Larose has inspired many people, as evidenced by our digital content and our EducArt platform.