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General Public: $56

Museum members: $48

34 or under: $28

Bourgie Hall presents

Le Poème Harmonique - Music for a Young King

Baroque and Early Music

After a hiatus of several years, Le Poème harmonique makes its highly anticipated return to Bourgie Hall in a program of alternately intimate and sumptuous works heard in the French and Italian courts of the High Baroque.

General Public: $56

Museum members: $48

34 or under: $28

Saturday October 28, 2023 at 07:30 pm


Le Poème harmonique 
Vincent Dumestre, theorbo and director
Eva Zaïcik, mezzo-soprano
Fiona Emilie-Poupard, violin
Louise Ayrton, violin
Lucas Peres, viola da gamba
Simon Guidicelli, double bass 
Camille Delaforge, harpsichord and organ


MOULINIÉ Lauzel que sul boyssou
LULLY Plainte de Vénus sur la mort dAdonis
CHARPENTIER Air sur les Stances du Cid
BUONAMENTE Aria di Fiorenza
Marche des Bergers
Sinfonia A gran battaglia
Aria sopra la Bergamasca
Le bossu maumariée
Quand je menais les chevaux boire
Sinfonia, exc. from the opera L’Egisto
Sinfonia, exc. from the opera Ercole amante
Dell’antro magico, exc. from the opera Il Giasone
Luci mie, exc. from the opera Perse
E vuol dunque, exc. from the opera Ercole amante
Piangete occhi dolenti, exc. from the opera L’Egisto

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