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General Public: $38

Museum Member: $32

34 and under: $19

Bourgie Hall presents

Rachel Fenlon - The Lied from Schubert to Britten

Schubert Lieder - Year 1

As Schubert did in his time, Rachel Fenlon sings and accompanies herself at the piano. This unique and internationally acclaimed performer offers us a selection of the great Romantic composer’s most beautiful lieder, interspersed with folk songs arranged by Benjamin Britten.

This concert is sponsored by Alfid Services Immobiliers Ltée.

General Public: $38

Museum Member: $32

34 and under: $19

Friday October 4, 2024 at 07:30 pm


Rachel Fenlon, soprano and piano


Excerpts from Folksong Arrangements: 
Early One Morning 
Oft in the stilly night 
The last rose of summer 
Il est quelqu’un sur terre
How sweet the answer 
O Waly Waly 
Sally Gardens 
Im Frühling, D. 882
Die Vögel, D. 691
Ganymed, D. 544
Am Bach im Frühling, D. 361
Götter Griechenlands, D.677
Du bist die Ruh, D. 776
Gretchen am Spinnrade, D. 118
Romanze aus Rosamunde, D. 797 
An den Mond in einer Herbstnacht, D. 614
Abendstern, D. 806
Der Tod und das Mädchen, D. 531
An Sylvia, D. 891
Der Musensohn, D. 764
Nähe des Geliebten, D. 162
Suleika 1, D. 720
Des Fischers Liebesglück, D. 933
Litanei auf das Fest Allerseelen, D. 343

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