Studio de musique ancienne de Montréal - Ode to the Earth
Guest presenters
On the eve of Earth Day, this concert is devoted to Nature, as it is evoked, notably, in The Song of Songs. In this love poem from The Bible, which has frequently been set to music, the lovers are compared to all our planet’s many beauties: lilies and roses, an apple tree in the middle of an orchard, gazelles and stags, the song of the dove, fig trees, pomegranate trees, and vines… While John Taverner’s Western Wind Mass is based on a popular song that speaks of the western wind and its “small rain,” Nutshimit, composed by Maurice-G. Du Berger to an unpublished text by Innu poet Joséphine Bacon, convinces us of the importance of the Innu’s ancestral territories, places of myths, memory, and identity.
DI LASSOLaudate Dominum omnes gentes SWEELINCKEcce nunc benedicite DE RORE Descendi in hortum meum JACOBUS CLEMENS NON PAPA Ego flos campi Maurice-Gaston DU BERGERNutshimit (World premiere, unpublished text in Innu-aimun by poet Joséphine Bacon) TAVERNERWestern Wind Mass (with reconstructed interpolations of the song Westron Wynd)