Digital Toolbox

Photo © Mikaël Theimer
PRISM is the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts’ digital mediation innovation lab.
In operation from October 2018 to December 2023 thanks to a Quebec Plan culturel numérique grant, PRISM has enabled museum professionals, technology developers and academics across Quebec to collaborate on human-centred design processes. Together, they have devised new digital mediations for museum audiences and advanced knowledge about digital museum mediation.
In this web space you’ll find PRISM’s digital toolbox, whose two sections contain facilitation tools, resources and a number of inspirational examples.
Section 1
Approach and tools
In this section you’ll find explanations of the human-centred design process that PRISM has adapted for the museum context. Facilitation tools and guidance are offered for each of the steps in the process.
Section 2
Knowledge and outreach
The projects PRISM has carried out have provided a network of museum professionals with opportunities for learning. In this section, we present the results of this work for all those interested in the challenges of digital mediation.
PRISM is funded by the Government of Quebec as part of the implementation of measure 115 of Quebec’s Plan culturel numérique.