The MMFA, proud fan of the Montreal Canadiens

Stéphane Aquin, Director of the MMFA, in front of Dryden, a work by Serge Lemoyne. Serge Lemoyne, Dryden, 1975. © Estate of Serge Lemoyne / SOCAN (2021). MMFA, purchase, the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts’ Volunteer Association Fund
The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts (MMFA) joins all Montrealers in wishing the Canadiens good luck in the Stanley Cup finals – an accomplishment 28 years in the making.
To mark this feat, the MMFA installed an enormous banner in the Habs’ colours in the front of the Jean-Noël Desmarais Pavilion: a reproduction of Dryden, the iconic painting by Serge Lemoyne. It will hang proudly over the Museum’s main entrance until the end of the series.
Lemoyne’s work is part of the Museum’s Quebec and Canadian Art collection. Admire it up close in the Claire and Marc Bourgie Pavilion.
Go Habs Go!