The MMFA unveils the winners of the 2020 Michel de la Chenelière Art and Culture Awards

Left: Isabelle L’Heureux / Right: Douglas Dumais. Photo Thierry du Bois
Established in 2013 on the MMFA’s initiative, the Michel de la Chenelière Art and Culture Awards Program recognizes outstanding academic achievement among Montreal’s art history students.
In this, its sixth edition, a prize of $3,500 was awarded to two master’s students for the quality of their theses: Douglas Dumais, of Concordia University, for Making Up Lost Time: Fiction in Carol Sawyer’s The Natalie Brettschneider Archive and the Canadian Women Artists History Initiative, and Isabelle L’Heureux, of Université de Montréal, for CyberPowWow : discours chronopolitiques autour des arts et muséographies numériques autochtones.
The jury was composed of Nicole Dubreuil, Honorary Professor in the Department of Art History and Film Studies, Université de Montréal, Laurier Lacroix, Professor Emeritus in the Department of Art History, Université du Québec à Montréal, and Gwendolyn Owens, Director of the Visual Arts Collection at McGill University, along with the MMFA’s Mary-Dailey Desmarais, Chief Curator, Jacques Des Rochers, Curator of Quebec and Canadian Art (before 1945), Hilliard T. Goldfarb, Senior Curator – Collections and Curator of Old Masters, and Catherine Plourde, Cultural Programming Officer, as well as Sylvie Lacerte, then Curator of Quebec and Canadian Contemporary Art.
Congratulations to the two winners!